Municipalities threatened by a deep geological repository have succeeded: the state must stop geological surveys in seven sites
The Ministry of the Environment accepted the arguments of the affected municipalities and associations, decided that the request for extension of validity period of exploration permits in all seven sites proposed for geological work in relation to the siting process for a deep repository to two years was unjustified and stopped the ongoing administrative proceedings. The point was that the validity period of exploration permits expired on 31st December 2016 and thus it could not be extended. This means that from 1st January 2017, the state Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (RAWRA) can not perform any previously accepted geological work in sites. However, even the permits which expired in December 2016 were issued in violation of the law and therefore the 18 municipalities and 6 associations filed a lawsuit against the decision of the Minister of the Environment Brabec. To this day the case has not been resolved.
The aim of the geological work that would be in conflict with the law now, was a “preliminary estimate of the size of homogenous rock blocks, preliminary safety demonstration of hypothetical repository and its technical feasibility” [1]. Without this data RAWRA will not be able to choose sites for future geological surveys credibly by 2018, as it had planned.
Platform Against Deep Repository [2] strives to ensure that all geological work related to the siting process for a repository was completely frozen for several years. First, a new national programme for radioactive waste and spent fuel management must be discussed and adopted, clear criteria for selection of the final site must be defined and legislation must also be adjusted, particularly the Act to strengthen the rights of municipalities must be adopted. Only if clear rules are accepted, it is possible to build trust between the responsible state institutions and the concerned municipalities.
To support its objectives, the members of the Platform Against Deep Repository have decided to organize a third annual nationwide Day Against Repository on Saturday April 22, 2017. Once again, all seven sites in the Czech Republic will host a series of public events.
Petr Klásek, the spokesman for the Platform Against Deep Repository said: "We consider success of our Platform that the administrative proceedings, which should have prolonged exploration permits, have been stopped. It shows again that the arguments of mayors and inhabitants of municipalities are much more plausible than RAWRA’s. Now we will make sure that geological work really do not continue and that we are able to start negotiating with state officials about the rules for the siting process for a repository.“"
Further information can be obtained from:
- Petr Klásek, Mayor of Chanovice and a spokesman for the Platform Against Deep Repository, tel.: +420 606 745 795, obec DOT chanovice AT email DOT cz[3]
- ↑ See for example RAWRA’s request for extension of validity period of the exploration area permits for special interventions into the Earth’s crust in the site of Březový potok
- ↑ Platform Against Deep Repository consists of 22 municipalities and 11 associations from all seven sites, in detail on
- ↑ For protection against automatical email address robots searching for addresses to send spam to them this email address has been made unreadable for them. To get a correct mail address you have to displace "AT" by the @-symbol and "DOT" by the dot-character (".").